
Executive Council

The Protein Society is governed by elected officers and an Executive Council. The officers are President, Secretary/Treasurer, and President-Elect. The President acts as the Chair of the Executive Council, which meets twice annually to vote on Society business and plan Society activities. Councilors serve in staggered 3-year terms to ensure continuity. 

Meiering - President
Sanders Pres-Past
Wysocki Sec-Treas 

Dr. Elizabeth Meiering
Term Ending 2025

Liz grew up in Guelph, Ontario and Bocholt, Germany. She graduated with a BSc degree in Honours Chemistry, Physics Option in 1988 from the University of Waterloo. She completed her PhD in 1992 at the University of Cambridge with her thesis on the influence of active site residues on the folding and function of barnase, with supervisor Professor Sir Alan Fersht in the Department of Chemistry. She then worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. Her postdoctoral research was on the activity and drug binding of dihydrofolate reductase analyzed by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR in the group of Professor Gerhard Wagner. 

In 1996, Dr. Meiering joined the faculty of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, where she currently holds the position of Full Professor. She won a John Charles Polanyi Award and a University Research Chair. Her professional activities include serving on the Editorial Board for Protein Engineering Design and Selection, the ALS Society of Canada Scientific Advisory Board, CIHR Grant Review Committee, NIH Grant Review Panel, and a wide range of other internal and external committees and roles, including as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Director of the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology University of Waterloo, Director of the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry, as well as Executive Council Member of The Protein Society and Chair of the Proteins Gordon Research Conference.

Dr. Charles (Chuck) Sanders
Term Ending 2024

Dr. Charles R. Sanders, Protein Society President, is Professor of Biochemistry, holder of the Aileen M. Lange & Annie Mary Lyle Chair in Cardiovascular Research, and Associate Dean for Research in the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Basic Sciences. 

Dr. Sanders is interested in determining the molecular biophysical mechanisms by which defects in membrane proteins contribute to human diseases, including cardiac arrhythmia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Both the approaches developed for these studies and the results gleaned can be used to help support the practice of personalized (precision) medicine and to provide the basis for knowledge-based therapeutic strategies. Moreover, significant basic science advances often result from examining exactly what goes wrong when Nature makes mistakes.

Dr. Sanders was the recipient of the 2013 Hans Neurath Award of the Protein Society (shared with Jennifer Doudna) for his fundamental contributions to protein science.

Dr. Vicki Wysocki
Term Ending 2025

Vicki Wysocki received her BS in Chemistry from Western Kentucky University in 1982 and her PhD in Chemistry from Purdue University in 1987. After pursuing postdoctoral studies at Purdue and at the Naval Research Laboratory as a National Research Council Fellow, she joined Virginia Commonwealth University as an Assistant Professor in 1990. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 1994. Vicki joined the University of Arizona in 1996 and was promoted to Professor in 2000. Most recently she was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Arizona. Vicki joined OSU in August 2012 as an Ohio Eminent Scholar and Director of the OSU Campus Chemical Instrument Center.  Awards include the 2009 Distinguished Contribution to Mass Spectrometry Award from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, jointly with Professor Simon Gaskell, and the 2017 American Chemical Society Field and Franklin Award for Outstanding Contributions to Mass Spectrometry. Vicki served as VP Programs, President, and Past President of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry from is currently an associate editor for the ACS journal Analytical Chemistry.

Full Council
Asojo   bahl   Cheung   Correa
Damo   Hardy   ITzhaki   Lieberman
nakagawa   ramirez-sarmiento   slusky   sonic

Ex-Officio Members

Kuriyan 2023  cadar Kamerlin