PS39 Abstracts (Deadline March 5 and May 5)button

PS39 Abstracts Submissions Overview


Pay Here or During Registration

The Protein Society's 39th Annual Symposium welcomes submission of abstracts for original contribution to the field. Abstracts can be submitted for poster presentations and numerous speaking opportunities and travel grants. 

The abstract submission deadline for Young Investigator Talks (15 minutes), Contributed Talks (28 minutes), Undergraduate Research Session, Flash Talks (3 minutes) and Travel Awards - Diversity Awards, Finn Wold Awards and Protein Science Young Investigator Awards, is March 5, 2025. 

Abstracts for posters and participation in the undergraduate and graduate poster competition only are due May 5, 2025.

All approved abstracts that are presented at the 2025 Symposium will be published in the fall in a special online edition of Protein Science.

   Protein Society Members 

 Student (Graduate & Undergraduate): $15
 All Other Protein Society Members: $30
 Student (Graduate & Undergraduate): $30 
 All Other Non Members: $45

Abstract submission fees are separate from registration fees and are non-refundable.  Abstract submission fees are due March 5 or May 5 respectively. Abstracts without a paid submission fee will not be included in the Annual Symposium.

Poster Competition 


 Speaking Opportunities 

The competition will recognize the top undergraduate and graduate student abstract presenters. Throughout the meeting, judges comprised of faculty, research scientists, and industry representatives will evaluate the posters. Winners will be announced on June 28 at the plenary session. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of $250. 

  • Contributed Talk (28 Min.) 
    Eligibility: Open to All
  • Young Investigator Talk (15 Min.) 
    Eligibility: Graduate students, post-docs, and other early state investigators within 8 years of earning their Ph.D. 
  • Undergraduate Talks (10 min.) 
    Eligibility: Undergraduate Students 
  • Flash talks (3 min.) 
    Eligibility: Graduate students and postdocs.  Poster flash talks will be included in each scientific session.  


Travel Awards

Under the strong belief that attendance at our Symposia presents an invaluable opportunity for future protein scientists, TPS is committed to making it possible for young scientists to participate and benefit from our Annual Meeting.

Finn Wold &
Protein Science 
Young Investigator Awards (sponsored by Wiley)


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awards
Sponsored by the Hans Neurath Foundation


Eligibility: Undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs. Applicants must be or become a Protein Society member. The award includes up to $1,000 in reimbursed travel costs for international attendees (outside of Canada, Mexico, and USA) and up to $500 in reimbursed travel costs for domestic (Canada, Mexico, and USA) attendees. Protein Science awards are sponsored by Wiley. Finn Wold travel awards are sponsored by The Protein Society and generous donations from our members.


Attendance at our symposia presents a valuable opportunity for early-career protein scientists. The Protein Society is committed to supporting the participation of junior scientists from diverse backgrounds and individuals who work to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our field. Our Diversity Awards include $1,000 in reimbursed travel costs for international attendees (outside of Canada, Mexico, and USA) and up to $500 in reimbursed travel costs for domestic (Canada, Mexico, and USA) attendees as well as 2 years of society membership. 

Eligibility: Undergraduate students, postbaccalaureate students/research assistants, graduate students, and postdocs from any institution; junior faculty from minority-serving institutions. Membership required but reimbursed for awards recipients. 

Required: Please submit a statement that describes your involvement in initiatives that foster inclusion, access and equity in science and/or personal experience in navigating barriers in science. Particular attention will be given to applicants who have helped create opportunities related to scientific research and/or have participated in activities that address structural inequities in the field of protein science.


All travel awards are contingent on recipients attending and presenting their poster at the meeting. 

Eligible expenses include: round-trip economy class airfare, train, or bus fare to and from symposium, symposium registration fee, abstract submission fee, taxi fare, up to 4 nights hotel accommodations (no incidentals or in-room charges), parking, or gasoline. Charges that are not reimbursable include but are not limited to: food, membership dues, or incidentals. 

Improved Reimbursement Policy

To meet the needs of our students, the Society will reimburse all travel award winners for their registration and abstract submission fees shortly after confirmation of acceptance of award. Those not already registered will receive a complimentary registration code. The remaining balance of the travel award can be applied towards housing costs if the recipients are staying at the host hotel. Travel award winners should book accommodations using the TPS room block links on our website, using their own form of payment, and the balance of the travel award (travel award amount minus registration and abstract submission fee) will be deducted from the hotel room night and tax bill, prior to check-out.  

IMPORTANT: For recipients of the travel awards to receive the credit prior to check-out they must book accommodations using the TPS room block links (found on other symposium-related pages). Travel awards can not be used for incidentals or other charges – only towards the room nightly rate and applicable fees.

Travel award winners who are not staying at the host hotel, or who would like to use funds for other eligible expenses – can submit for reimbursement following the completion of the symposium.